Friday, March 28, 2014

My friend and soulmate

Desire and the yearning to fulfill those desires propels, inspires and gives the heart the fuel to move.  The energy produced by each thought that supports the feeling and the desire, is what keeps the spirit alive. Otherwise we are only a walking skeleton, a facade or a mask.  Living the life only by repeating the stories we have heard.  Defining and expressing oneself through only the physical world.   

The passion of living life fully in each moment comes with the feelings created when we "desire".
Surely any desire has an outcome or goal "attached" to it.  When the outcome or the goal is not met, what then?  How does one deal with the disappointment or the un met outcome and its "attachment"?

Is it possible to have a desire without any attachment?  

If one is able to trace the desire to its origin, the thoughts that started the desire the associated feelings, then the outcome or rather the attachment to the outcome starts to lessen.   Feelings and their source become clear allowing one to not only be able to feel the feeling but somehow know why and what we are feeling.  
Somewhere in this introspection or contemplation the awareness of the impermanence of life becomes clear.  
We start to appreciate each moment knowing that it's all in the passing.  The feelings become clear, the passions driving our desires become a moving flow.   We begin to tend to the roots of our own feelings.  We become sensitive to how the other person feels.  Seeing who I am, with my conditionings and my stories and accepting that allows me to stop the inner turmoil and conflict.  A compassionate way of being becomes the peaceful identity.  

We befriend ourself and become our own soulmate.
To bring what is called happiness and joy to our life and the lives of those we touch. 

Reminds me of a saying that one can begin to apply, towards oneself first, and to all those thoughts that we think and say in each moment. 
"Let each word pass through three gates, what I am saying is it: true, necessary, and is it kind." ~Sufi saying~

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Thoughts a collection of ideas

Jan 7, 2014 10:58 pm (Rancho Margot, Costa Rica)
Is the answer always to a question; or is the question itself the answer. 

Jan 25, 2014 5:25 pm (Rancho Margot, Costa Rica):
A knowing which happens in void in silence!

Feb 2, 2014 4:05 pm (Rancho Margot, Costa Rica):
The falling rain and the calm within. 
Soft sounds and a silence, both are the happenings, in this moment. 
My timeless heart feels this. Each heartbeat carries the nothingness and a thought. 
The unbound energy, no time can restrain its travel.

Feb 6, 2014 8:54 am (Rancho Margot, Costa Rica):
Thought from looking at the Mandela I colored this morning: 
Once the heart centre is full, what else is there left to color?   

Feb 7, 2014 6:15 am (Rancho Margot, Costa Rica):
Dark allows the light to shine.
If you are dark and I the light.
No separation. 

What was past - August 2012

Signed the papers at the lawyers'. 

The feeling of complete emotions.  A sense of freedom and the realization that "wow I was able to fulfill some purpose; looked after me and my responsibly.  Without burdening anyone". 

The closing on August 31st.  

All with blessings and renewal.  An opening and writing of the next chapter. 
I plan to love love and live life as it unfolds.  
Would I continue iWork (this is autocorrect) to design the blueprint or create space for life to design as it lives, through me? 
No se. 

What was past - September 4, 2012

Cobbled streets and stone walls
a time remembered.

Let it unveil , is the asking.  
Let me see what happened then
Let me release so I can be.  

Nothing happened then, comes a voice. 
It's all in now
Multiple dimensions a soul travels,
The load is light, the veil of separation lifts.

Come with me, come to the universe,
Together we be, together we fly,
Entwined energies 
Dimension wide

This is not a dream.  
As we lived there we live here. 

What was past- September 2011

surrounded by nature, a community and wildlife, i one again reflect on the past four weeks…why this reflection when i strive to live only in the "present moment"…maybe its my way of seeing/looking into the soul if what i recall is as each moment was lived or did i tarnish it with desires, attachments and regrets…

the travel to UK, the perfect journey, arriving in the familiarity of a city I had visited many times, all signs of feeling safe and grounded…then the sense of adventure…i was buying one way tickets, only the first destination from London was pre-determined, affordable price of air ticket plus lodging in Malaga, Spain was the choice…arriving late into the evening in Malaga, the cab to the hotel and the inner voice said "this is beautiful, its flowing"…that was how the next few days were spent in Spain. I enjoyed the bus rides, and at one point when a person sat next to me, and kept talking to himself, I allowed myself to speak up, and politely asked him if he would not mind going to another seat, the bus was empty, and he was in his own world in his conversation with himself, so I chose to be in my world and sit alone. A little voice in me said "what if I have offended him", but I sensed his energy and he was not bothered.

What was from the past -a sign 4/11/11

when someone comes in the line of vision

What was past - Inception

The word is a noun means "the beginning"

Watching this movie, brought forth many thouughts to the forefront.  what is a beginning?
is it when something ends, or do we begin out of nothing...........or is there a continuous cycle

What was past - Nov 30 to Dec 3 in CR

Nov 30:

morning first spanish lesson

afternoon depart at 2:30 for Montevrde, cloud forest, arrive there at 7 pm

Dec 1:

Spend the full day at Monteverde

Dec 2: leave for Arenal, arrive there by noon, check in the hotel and go to the hot springs in the evening

Dec 3: return to san jose, escazu to casa laurin

Thursday, March 6, 2014

A walk on a sunny and cold day, March in the city...

What separates the thoughts from running into each other and overwhelming the thinker?  Is it the ability to be an observer of the thoughts.  An observer is one who has the ability to be aware, to watch, to not be the subject but be able to create a distance between the thoughts and the feelings.  The question comes up? Who is this observer?   Is the observer also another form of thought?

As I  think these thoughts and write/type them using two thumbs it occurs, in the stream of my thinking, the similarity of how we as 'beings' are separate from each other.  At times we seem to all blend into each other, especially in crowded places, yet  what keeps us separate?  Could it be the same sense, that the observer uses, which makes us aware of our boundaries of separation? 

I am sitting in downtown Toronto, in a busy space at Tim Hortons coffee spot.  The woman in front of me places her coffee and a small paper bag on the table.  She closed her eyes, clasps her hand and I sense rather I feel an energy of gratitude in her before she bites into her chocolate covered donut, a sip of coffee and I see she is reading the free newspaper.   What stories she must have to tell.  A treasure box of life experiences.  Did she see herself as she is now ? What would she see if she went back ten years? Twenty? Thirty ? Fifty ?  Would she see herself as a small child playing, by herself.  
I feel a strong desire to write her story! Tears well up in my eyes, tears of compassions or maybe familiarity, what of myself am I seeing,  in her?   I wonder?   She looks around, her glance reminds me of the look of a chicken, her gaze is not steady, it darts as if being on her guard, an empty look in her eyes.  I notice her lips, which are moving as she continues to read.  

I finish my coffee...

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Tuning the Chakras...

Steady and stop.  Just long enough to sort the worldly matters, then let the spirit move.  
Express the movement, in the walk, in dance, and travel to broaden the physical dimension.   

The spiritual dimension has no boundaries.  Create the separation and draw boundaries to know and protect the physical realm.   

Feel the physical  with the senses...

Be in love with the cosmic,  connection with the cosmic creates oneness, this love is felt when the senses feel an alignment with the spirit.