Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8, 2011...

the eagles soar, between the clouds and the sky…i take a puff on my menthol cigarette, smoking is considered yet another "bad for you"…

before the morning yoga, Jackson comes up to me and says "yoga mama, you always ask everyone how they are doing, today I want to ask you"…i accept the hug, my eyes fill up…woooooooo, is that all it takes to touch the source of this fountain, a hug, a touch, a concern from the heart…

the teacher training coming close to finish line…the two students say they have gone deep, lots of stuff surfacing…

i take my last puff, before the 10 am anatomy session, where we will breathe out the toxins…

a comment once made to me, "you go too deep in a yoga session, bring into people's awareness stuff that is lying buried"…yesterday the guest who released as i lay hands on her shoulder, she has a lightness about her…

i just hold space, there is no label, no judgement…

sometimes i love, as in a deep connection, my soul loves, i long and yearn to touch to feel the closeness the intimacy….i choose those who are unreachable, untouchable… as if through my love, i can invoke in them to love, could it be me, no se...i smile through my tears and glide away... i find other eagles and we soar to the limitless expanse of the blue sky...

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