The leaves on the trees and those fallen create a space where I meet myself in worlds and dimensions beyond that of time and space.
Endings and releasing. The planetary shifts seem more intense this year. It is as if 2019 is preparing us. To 'release' and 'let go", to feel aligned with our outer and the inner. Intense soul lessons, who we are and how to live at our personal and collective level. An ascension, where we vibrate differently, see life from a different perspective.
Those who read the stars remind us to see our shadows, to allow our emotions to rise, and be felt, directed and released. As we begin to see what affects the 'collective' we will take more responsibility for our thoughts, actions and behaviour.
We will be ready to face the challenges, for the 2020, not in hindsight but as active co-creators. To face the new beginnings of each day as it dawns.
Transformation and Structure, Pluto and Saturn will be in cosmic alignment in January 2020. Our deepest, darkest, and most intense energies will clash and what will surface becomes the new story of our life. Reflect back to end of April 2019, what were the themes and patterns happening at that time? The seed of the full alignment to come in January 2020 was co-created.
Pluto and Saturn come this close every 34 to 38 years, first time in Capricorn since centuries. How will this shake our foundations of belief and social conditioning? What will the awakened soul trigger?
Pluto is the transformation, it works at a spiritual level, on our inner self. Where the shadows of shame hide. It helps us to uncover our dark sides, accept it to forgive ourselves and not hide in its shadows. Pluto helps us to dig deep, and we find our authentic power, through what comes to light we find the courage to face life.
Saturn allows us to take responsibility for our lives, the past and the future. It shows us the consequences of our actions and sometimes we are shown 'tough love' as a trigger to help us find our true potential.
With all these thoughts swirling in me, I set out for my morning walk. I used the sights and signs, to guide, encourage, to reflect. Feel and understand, forgive and release.