Tuesday, January 19, 2010


i met a friend for coffee in downtown toronto.........we met after a year, a year in which much had happened, in my life and hers...........

she shared her relationships, beginnings and the endings.......change in career direction and the options waiting to happen............it was a nice energy, as I sensed that she was in non-conflict with the direction and course of her life...........

as i narrated my last 11 months to her, the last 6 weeks, were the ones which had and will continue to have the most impact on the present...........the past and the future are memories to be relived, only in the mind.

walking in the cool january weather...............i consciously  allowed the shoulder blades to drop down the back, as i remove the mind from the equation the reaction to the weather dissipates.....when there is no body, the energy feels aligned with the  surrounding, and  i realize that i am not cold anymore...........i am happy..........to be home, feel alive and be in the "known" surroundings..........the change in me, mind body and soul.............is refreshing........... i surrendered, and feel light.

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