Friday, January 15, 2010

the aftermath - Haiti

the line that caught my attention in the news was that people of Haiti are picking up and that is probably the first thing one does, when we fall, we pick ourselves up.............those who hurt their bodies are the ones unable to physically move, yet they too pick themselves up, sometimes by surrendering into the situation............the surrender is part of the process, when you surrender their is no conflict created by the mind, you accept what is about to happen, or has happened and find space to get back up, move and start fending to your immediate needs and requirements,to breathe, eat, and survive.............some souls become angels and turn their attention in helping is said that when faced with an emotional or physical tragedy the humans bring out the God in them............. the poverty of the soul, is replaced with tapping into the universal energy and conciousness.

donations are pouring in, the monetary help is on the way, to provide food and build shelter..................the established organizations like the Red Cross, are allowed into the is the people that help the process...........meditation by each single person may help enrich the universal energy, to reach the souls in their fight for survival and ongoing strength to live.

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