Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Sars cov-2 journey through me

I have this vision of the virus after it enters the body. It enters the physical and the emotional/mental body. With an industrious single pointed focus to travel through the nerves. It does not need a vehicle as its spikes are the oars and the wings. Feels like an out of space science fiction vision. The body goes into a full alert mode! A slugfest between the virus and the body(s). Wherever there is resistance, illness, weakness the spikes will anchor and like a parasite make a home. How did I counter it? Slow, deep, long breaths in and out. I follow this path of breathing, with no other thought in mind. A settling calm appears. I meditate, sit in the sun and breathe in the outdoors as i look out at the lake in the far distance. I watched a serial on Netflix to keep my mind occupied with stories of other people. Today is day six and the feeling is like I have allowed the body to do what it needed and the virus did what it needed. I welcome the antibodies to the virus and pro-bodies to health and well being.

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