I am often asked if I teach or train yoga therapy. My answer is both yes and no.
Why no, let us get that answered first. No because I am not a trained doctor, physiotherapist, chiropractor or trained in any other aspect of the medical profession. I have not done any extensive research with randomized cases to support the claim of yoga as therapeutic.
Then how do I say or can I claim the therapeutic benefits of yoga? It is based on my own lifetime practice, on reading the work of researchers on the effects of meditation and following the writings yoga teachers.
The regular practice of postures/asanas with complete attention to the state that one is in, and approaching that state with kindness, is how I meet my physical body. For example how is the body feeling today. Is their physical fatigue? Emotional exhaustion or mental stress? Dividing the attention between the three bodies, physical, emotional and mental, using one to balance the other.
Refer to the Koshas, Yoga Training Manual then we can have a discourse to unpack the concepts, and apply them to the daily living.
Regular practice of meditation, and its benefits, is a therapy for those who follow this path.
Through the application of the different yoga techniques we do bring about healing and a sense of wellbeing.