I dream of a road lined with cars. I am in my own vehicle and decide not to join the line. I soon find myself falling off the edge of the road into a deep ocean of water. The dream continues to where I see people watching me on a screen. The 'me' I see on the screen is vivacious, vibrant, confident, and smiling. It looks like an interview, who is the interviewer and who is being interviewed is not known. I do sense that someone is wanting to take me 'apart'. I am fearlessly sharing a message.
The last few days while nursing a cold, I had parked myself on a comfortable couch and listened to Joseph Campbell. How I processed his interview with Bill Moyer, and The Power of Myth, The Hero's Journey, contributed to my personal consciousness and the inner messages.
In the dream did I touch the collective archetype? These are some questions and an opportunity for further introspection, where the answers come through symbols, synchronicity, intuition, and silence.
Take a path that is different. Taking a chance by selecting an alternate 'lane' to live/move does have the possibility of throwing one into a deep unknown. Barring a physical demise of the body, what emerges is a 'new' person. Someone who has lived their life. The old beliefs and their filters shift. Being and actively living through the challenges creates new filters, values, and a personal truth.
“You enter the forest
at the darkest point,
where there is no path.
Where there is a way or path,
it is someone else's path.
You are not on your own path.
If you follow someone else's way,
you are not going to realize
your potential.”
― Joseph Campbell, The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life & Work
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