The selling of the house, culminated in the last final days before the keys were handed over to the new buyer; exactly a week back, a doubt had crept up on hearing that the buyer was scrambling to another institution for mortgage. Its affect on me and the path of my journey would be diverted if the house did not close.
The evening before the close, Asim, Kamila, Jafer, Catherine came over, together we felt the energy of the home; As over the years, around the kitchen counter our favourite space we chatted, sharing our feelings, apprehension and anticipation that all goes well for the closing. Emotions of wanting to let go and allowing oneself to feel the sadness of release. Humans we are…
All went well, I trust life was asking me to be with the trust…
With a smile, and a tinge of a heavy heart was the last time I pulled away from the driveway; gratitude to a home that had housed forms of life and living, many connections and memories made in the home we fondly refer to as "Valentine"…a friend had once joked when I worked at Fidelity: "you live on valentine and work for fidelity, nice!"
Memories, remains of the past,
Become a collection of thoughts and life is an imprisonment,
Release that thought, find freedom,
I live to exist, or life lives through me,
Fear versus love.
Its the bittersweet feeling letting go of what we tend to love be it a person or a house... But its the bonding between the loved ones that make anyplace feel like Heaven(Valentine ;))...