Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tangers, Morocco

soooo…manana, Fez or Rabat???? it will be decided in the morning…

had an interesting day in Tanger…those of you who know me, and how i have absolute no sense of direction…the amazing streets that wind and turn, people walk, children play and stores do business…i stop to buy a hair cream to calm my hair, this guy has a store where everything is packed, and yet carefully he is able to show me two different hair products. He spoke amazing good English, self taught with a British accent, there were books on his counter, apparently an avid reader. I gave him the remaining Figs, that i had bought, they were fresh and delicious, but the guy gave me too many for a euro, so it was time to share.

I walk through the Kasbah, and find this store with natural oils and creams, i spend a long time trying this and that, conversing between Spanish and French, i was just making small conversation in Spanish, the store man was rambling away…after buying a few products, aragon oil, soap oil, saffron cream for the lips and savon, and somewhere in there finding time to discuss yoga, i left them with two brochures of Rancho Margot, the last i remember is their eyes gleaming looking at the pictures…

The walk continues, climbing and winding…soon i have no clue where i am, a French speaking lady had said if i keep going i will come to this great restaurant where i can find sheesha, hence my motivation…

so i continue, pretending i am some detective, following one person or another…and suddenly i am up on a terrace area with the view of the mediterranean and the long shadows of the evening sun…after a while i realize that i had better move and find my bearing before it becomes dark, i see the street below and instinctively know that is the main road I have to reach...
a group of about 10 or so teenagers, wanted me to jump down to the street…luckily one of them spoke some spanish, so i convinced them that i am not doing that, and then the noise, so i turn around, close my eyes, bring my hands to the heart centre and say: "silencio, es muy importante para itelligente mente" so this kid, his name is Hamza understands me, apparently he went to visit Barcelona and learned Spanish, Arabic is his mother tongue…so i ask them if they go to school and they say no, i go "WHAT, you spend all your time playing?", and they have a good laugh…They agree that they play futbol, and I tell them about a friend who plays futbol and always meditates and does some yoga before his game, which makes his game so good... continuously the boy Hamza pays attention to all that I am saying and translates it for the others…they loved my next question, I asked them if they all had girlfriends, and I got a big smile from them…we walk down towards the street, they all surround me, and i felt like we were part of some gang, at one narrow part of the street they were following me like i was the pied piper…

we ended near the cafe where i was going to eat, and even though I asked them to join me and have at least tea, Hamza said "no, we are too many and its not fair"…all our conversation was through Hamza, the boy who spoke Spanish, he was so attentive, as his peers were all rambling at the same time, he would ask them to quieten down, attentively listen to my broken Spanish,and translate…

we parted, with me promising that i will meet the group once more tomorrow morning at 10, we shook hands, gave high fives, amidst cheers and clapping…

what brought me to Tangers? i think i got my answer…

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