Friday, August 13, 2010

and I am Love??

"Love in its various forms acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts" ~Wikipedia~

love exists in the absence of fear...when we learn to live with an awareness of  each moment...

in that moment recognise the feelings that arise...FEEL that feeling, in this state, one is the "joy", the "sadness", the "fear"...

here comes the thoughts, watch the thoughts, if they result in an action, watch that action, be the simultaneous doer and the witness...

in the absence of thoughts and stories the feelings begin to evaporate... the witness will begin to perceive a deep sense of emptiness of calmness and the emptiness creation is happening, every moment, life becomes an art, a creation...seen in a brushstroke on the empty canvas, a musical note, a sculptor, a flower, a rainbow, a smile, gazing at the stars or in the eyes of a beloved, a sip of water a morsel of food...and love then is not only in the "interpersonal relationship" but one becomes the love, in its totality...mind, body, spirit and soul.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The shift in consciousness...

We are fast moving towards a time when all the intentions will manifest...all that we want to be and want for ourselves has to be first asked for others, it will multiply exponentially, and reflect back to us.  In that giving of our good thought and action, we will begin to create the space to receive.  

At this time in history, we need to understand that our world, and our perception of the world will determine our thoughts and actions.  When we begin to participate in this perception and reality, with awareness of our responsibility to every sentient being,  we move towards the shift of consciousness.. from a point of separateness and duality towards oneness.  

Quantum Physics states that "Reality boils down to the consciousness that is observing it"....we pause and contemplate, as we ask ourselves this question: what is in my observing that is causing this reality? Do I need to bring a shift first in me, in all those ideas, beliefs, conditionings etc. that might be clouding my observations? And how could I achieve this? Not by reading books, and adopting thoughts of other minds.  Instead become the feeling, watch the thoughts that arise, without acting on them, just let them pass, they are like the clouds in the sky.  

Slowly, through this meditative process the awareness of each moment becomes the the perceiver becomes the perception, the inner and outer worlds unite in to a oneness...
In Mayan tradition In Lak'ech Ala K'in = I am another yourself.

Published in OYE! Times August 10, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

facing myself....

.....we face ourselves in a continuous stream, through our minds eye.......this observation happens at such a fast speed, our perception leads us to believe that we and life is all "that", and only "that" what we perceive.

driving through downtown, a brief moment, when i was suspended between the "i" who lived and worked in the city, and the "i" who was at that moment driving through the familiar that moment the only thought that came to the mind space was "who am i".......not as a question, but an observation...............there was no dwelling on this realization.........just a checkpoint in awareness

Monday, August 2, 2010

i'll meet you half way

life moves, and the to and fro brings with it a meeting and a parting....................

When Augusto, was leaving Rancho Margot, he came to say good-bye, looked at me and said: "irum, i think i am dying, a bit".......i smiled at him....

........when we meet and reunite, we are revived.  eventually it all balances out, journeying through life we meet more people than we leave behind......

The last month plus,  has been a stream of meetings and partings.............and today i face another parting.  Someone, very dear and close to heart, is leaving to re-unite with her heart(s)..........she is aware that she is leaving behind many hearts, and as she feels the tug in that part of her that dies, .....her re-uniting will bring her back many lives....... will offer you many crossroads, follow your heart sweetie, without letting the fear from your conditioning, and opinions of others, fog the clarity which you carry in that beacon of light.............
YOUR HEART............