Wednesday, March 24, 2010

sensing or knowing.....

when i woke up it was still dark......was it still night, or early hours of the morning?......the control part of me wanted to reach over and check the time.....i just lay there....sensing.........wondering what has woken me i allowed myself to be, i drifted between thoughts and being.......somewhere in the process, i fell was a deep, deep sleep....i had dived into the realm of deep conciousness, or was it another dimension..........many people, many relationships were encountered in this dream..........some people are no longer in this dimension, and some own fears, and questions surfaced as manifestaion of conversations, i saw them being portrayed on the other....... i lay there for a long time, recalling each detail of the more questions and no thougths, the dream had left me in the reality of the moment.................engulfed in a reassured, calm feeling, all energy aligned ..............knowing was not important,  the sensing IS............

Friday, March 19, 2010

trust vs. fear

"you often mention trust and trusting the universe" .....was the comment after the yoga session today.........question asked "so how does one handle a betrayal of trust?" .........interesting!!! who is trusting, and what is being considered the betrayal........could  my trust be combined with my expectations (watch the unaware ego is now in action).......

we trust, because we trust.......all our actions are guided by this.....when our trust involves others, then their actions or reactions, may impact us directly, yet they are not for us to judge or control..........what do we do?
we watch our own thoughts, observe our reactions and notice the feelings that arise within........ then to surrender it all, stay, only with the trusting of each moment.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

the earth, the sun and the breath

early this morning i walked out the door, looked up at the blue, blue sky, and suddenly i saw the sun, shining between the branches of the tree.....the brilliance, the sparkle and its warmth on my face, brought a big smile......i stood there, just watching this site.....glad for the i drove out the garage, my eyes were still fixed on the rearview mirror...........
nature welcomes the changing seasons.......the birds are singing........chasing and flying between the shrubs and plants; the tulips and the crocus are lifting their heads as the earth warms up.........the spirit of all sentient beings re-emerging...........
i walk outside, turning my face to the sky....inhaling the air, feeling intoxicated with each inhale..........feeling the ground under my feet, the warm sun on my face............

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Love has taken away my practices
and filled me with poetry.

I tried to keep quietly repeating,
No strength but yours, but I could'nt.

I had to clap and sing.
I used to be respectable and chaste and stable,
but who can stand in this strong wind and remember those things?

A mountain keeps an echo deep inside itself,
That's how I hold your voice.

I am scrap wood thrown in your fire,
and quickly reduced to smoke.

I saw you and became empty.
This emptiness, more beautiful than existence,
it obliterates existence, and yet when it comes,
existence thrives and creates more existence!


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March is marching in......

....with sunshine so bright, the temperature in the double digits........the intoxication of the morning yoga practice and the day in complete harmony. 

A reminder to keep our awareness as we enjoy the arrival of spring in one breathes in the warmth of the sun.........its nice to take a pause, evoke all the senses........we are so conditioned by our expectations, that the mind says "but spring is still another 11 days away"............why question nature, just nurture the soul.........

Saturday, March 6, 2010

let the sunshine......

the energy of the march sunlight as the people of toronto, shed their scarves and toques, to soak in the i drove and then walked downtown, looking at the faces, there were smiles, a lightness in their steps and an eagerness that maybe spring is around the corner........the young man at tim horton's asked if this is the end of the snow, and will we receive any more of the white stuff.........he was almost disappointed when i said, we will have great temperature and nice weather and maybe in the first week of april one last snow storm will happen to bid the winter goodbye.

soon i will go to st. Lawrence market to buy some cheese........the best part of going to the cheese shop is that one gets to taste all the different varieties of cheese............mmmmmmm

Friday, March 5, 2010

remembering a dream from last night........i wake up sensing that a friend is not in good my dream i see all the belongings strewn i wonder now........maybe a cleansing is happening

Monday, March 1, 2010

the moon tonight.....

after the yoga session, we discussed how the awareness to the breath and deep breathing is almost intoxicating...........driving into the quiet night, i looked up and saw the moon, and i found myself looking forward to each red light...........the moon was my companion.......those brief moments when i stopped at the red light gave me the opportunity to be one with the Yin energy of the moon.........i lingered on gazing at the face, drinking the energy into the soul..........drunk with the oneness of Being......... .mmmmmm