Thursday, August 20, 2009

In Bokhara - surrendering to the moment

as we walked around this morning........ through the cobbled streets of Bukhara, we suddenly found ourselves in front of yet another magnificent looking building........after taking photographs of the outside we ventured inside into a mosque....i forget the construction date, as nothing here is new, it is either a restored version after Genghis Khan grazed everything to the ground, or a renovation of a restoration.............
inside the building, the feeling which was evoked was of peace and of being someplace where one ceases to reminded me of the sense I get after walking inside a church, temple or a syanagogue........or whenever i am awe struck..........seeing a beautiful sunset............a rainbow after the rain..........the waves in the ocean.........a bluer than blue sky..............anything that shifts the attention from me to something beyond, something more than the I........... as the "separation between the observer, the observed and observing" dissolves......... in that moment the heart becomes the place of worship and the awareness the silent prayer

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