Monday, May 28, 2018

Full Flower Moon

A garden to acknowledge this Orb that holds, nurtures, and supports...

morning walk

Lilacs on the path
a colourful embrace

Where Lilacs bloom and the air is fragrant.  Take a pause as you walk by,  breathe and feel a smile touch your heart.

Sending love and gratitude to all who touch my life, may your flower of life bloom and make your heart smile in its fragrance.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Thoughts....and visions from the beach in Puerto Viejo

April 25

Stepping through a door and a new path unfolds; where one didn’t expect a door or a path

May 20, 3:56am

When its time, all reasons will support it

Ones innermost desire needs to be aligned with the soul purpose
The sole purpose is to live the soul purpose

Find a teacher that will help you see the path you are traveling 
When you have chosen a path see and learn from all you encounter, along the paths journey, for each is the teacher you need

May 20, 4:33am

Nor humans, nor animals
Neither nature nor nurture
None are enticing 
For i drink from the source
And i live with the Spirit that manifests in all

Sunset over Playa Cocles

Playing with a hug
Yoga teacher training - Kristen with Irum