Nov 21, 2009:
Departure from Toronto, Pearson airport to San Jose, Costa Rica. As I walked on the moving walkway towards the gate the following thought occurred,
what is going on in my brain, where am I going…….maybe the question came up as a result of the discussion with a friend who asked me a similar question. His comment was
irum, what are you searching for, you keep going away to find something. The intellectual aspect of the brain kicks in, and explanations start to churn in the small mind. It is a small mind because it is driven by past thoughts and memories.
So do I like to travel, is it a desire for change, what I seek in places away from home, can that not be found right here…………………wherever I go there I am, I think someone wrote a book with a similar name. I am reminded of a Feng Shui philosophy which recommends moving the furniture around, to remove stagnant energy, maybe my energy gets stuck and needs a fresh perspective., achieved by changing the physical, emotional and mental environment. And so this is the explanation from my egoic small mind……………..

The flight to San Jose, scheduled to depart at 9:30 in the morning, but kept getting delayed……………..every half hour we were advised that the maintenance crew was trying to fix both the toilets…………….eventually the announcement was made that a replacement plane will be brought in and the flight will depart 3 hours later than scheduled. Air Canada was generous to offer $8.00 per head coupon for Starbucks or Tim Hortons………….so all the passengers scurried off to redeem their coupons…………a full stomach makes the mind more relaxed……….I had been sitting in meditation, filling my stomach with some long inhales…………the coffee cinnamon cake and the latte was a warm welcome……….we eventually boarded and were soon taxiing on the runway, the smiles and anticipation could be sensed by the energy in the cabin……
but wait, the pilot was heard announcing that we were returning to the gate to disembark a sick passenger…………..the paramedics came on and declared that the passenger had to be off loaded………later the story we heard from the steward was that the young man had thrown up twice on the plane and once after disembarking, the young man and his father both left the plane.........luckily the wait time was not too long as they did not have any checked baggage………….soon we were taxiing again and lifted off on our way to San Jose, Costa Rica,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I resumed watching the movie, Time Travelers’ Wife…………

We landed at the airport, Juan Santamaria, surrounded by a beautiful sunset…………..the mountains and the clouds mingled in one……..the long wait at the immigration line was forgotten as soon as the clean cut young immigration officer stamped the passport, looked up, smiled and welcomed me with this comment
thank you for coming……..Eduardo was waiting outside, with the Casa Laurin sign………..when I arrived at the B&B, Jenny and Dolly, came leaping towards me, and welcomed me with their barking………Ginette had supper waiting, and their were 3 of us at dinner, enjoying the fresh salad and the lasagna.
November 22, 2009:
As I sit here writing this, it is 4 in the afternoon……….I have nurtured my body with some delicious pineapple, papaya and guavas and delicious quiche……….taken a walk to the super market, got wet carrying the groceries back , yet enjoyed it thoroughly………….

Watching and hearing the soothing sound of falling rain, I look up and outside the windows I see the lush green, of the vegetation and the distant mountains covered with misty clouds……the birds are singing.