Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Walnut cake/bread - baked on February 8

since everyone enjoyed this cake and the recipe was created as i mixed the ingredients, i decided to blog it for future reference and sharing:

  1. 4 to 5 cups walnuts
  2. 1.5 cups large oat flakes (i used the slow cooking quaker oatmeal)
  3. .25 cup self raising flour
  4. 4 eggs
  5. 4 oz butter
  6. .5 cup brown cane sugar
  7. .5 cup honey
  8. .5 cup table cream
  9. 1 cup milk

Heat the oven to 350.

Crush the walnuts, (not having access to the blender or the coffee grinder i used the mortar and pestle and crushed the walnuts in many batches).

mix the butter, sugar and honey and the following, mixing each ingredient well into the batter:

  • slightly beaten eggs
  • flour and oats
  • crushed walnuts, if the batter is too thick add the cream at this point
  • finally add the milk

pour into an appropriate size baking pan, bake for 45 to 50 minutes, remove from the oven and let the cake cool on the rack. if you are serving this as dessert, you can eat it warm with some table cream.

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