Saturday, July 30, 2011

the mirror within the mirror

if conditioning creates perception

and perception is reality…

in the mirror of life i see my reflection, 

is perception like a mirror….reflecting the reality i perceive?

what if life is a collection of mirrors, all placed at different angles... 
how many mirrors am i seeing, reflecting a life within life…a perception embedded and reflected in another perception...
is it all an illusion, when i see others?
i look, at the mirror called life...yes that is me i see
but wait, who is there, i sense a movement behind me, 

its only another mirror in mirror...
i look, i dive deeper, revealing all the mirrors...
i laugh, is that all life is? is it that simple...

an awareness that there is no-body, only  mirrors, within mirrors

Friday, July 29, 2011

Thoughts from the Ranch

experience, what is the meaning of experience and how it becomes a part of life, living and who we are.  
as a noun the dicitionary defines experiences as “an event or occurrence that leaves an impression on someone : for the younger players it has been a learning experience.”
as a verb: to feel, as an emotion
The usage in english comes via Old French from Latin experientia, from experiri, try;  Compare with EXPERIMENT  and EXPERT
of recent this word as associated with living, has come up many times.  frequently i hear “i want to experience everything in life”.
how do we “experience” life? where does learning reside? is it a big part of the answer that leads to the quest of finding “who am i?” or is it the realization that there is no one answer.  is it possible that all the learning that happens is very soon our past, the feeling and the emotions tied to those experiences are our past.  when does one, or rather how does one find that space to be in the moment, become the experiencer? is it through the seeking of other experiences? through replacing  one experience with another?   is life a reality “show?”
do i need answers? or only the questions?  the quest of the mind, giving rise to the questions, and where are the answers? going somewhere to find them, or seeing them in each encounter...when the encounter is not centered on oneself, but the other, how does the experience feel then?
there comes a point in life and living, an “aha” moment, when the search for experiencing life ends, and living and experiencing life in each moment itself becomes the Bliss, called Life.
basically my friend nothing is missing, a friend wrote these words for me when he gave me the book “Riding the Ox Home”...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

7-20-2011...enroute to Costa Rica

Airports, flying, the transition time at the terminal where all you do is wait to board a plane is time, time for me to reflect.

I watch the planes, its summer in Toronto...the sun is shining with an intensity, inside the coolness of the air conditioning makes it all so "comfortable"...

I am recalling with gratitude the time spent in North America, the three plus weeks in Maryland, brought yoga of six practitioners to a different level, now they are comfortable leading their own sessions...teachers we never are, others do bestow this label but life itself is the Teacher...

The two months spent in Toronto, yes the family, they are adorable, and we are connected...meeting and reonnecting with old friends, is always energising...some new friends and some old connections renewed… and in yoga, I saw how this practise miraculously changes, rather allows people to emerge in their true form, many thanks and smiles were shared...

And, it was time to surrender, to release, to let go of any lingering expectations, and it happened....

Life revealed and I saw...

Monday, July 11, 2011


3:30 in the afternoon…i sit by the water…the waves are moving with the high winds…the seagulls flap their wings…the sailboat appears to glide…the planes lift and dive with a purpose….a soul kayaks by…

in this moment, am i this breath or its awareness, or the hand that holds a pen…the thoughts that are reflected in these words…the feel of the soft breeze through my shirt ( a plane lands in the distance)…

two full moons ago,  during a full moon fire ritual i surrendered to the universe, i wrote "360", where this number came from and what it means i have no idea…what is the metaphor?  being home holds space and answers come…being home in Toronto, i see 360 on a sign advertising a  restaurant on top of the CN tower, so the mind says "maybe the universe is saying to me to rise above, see the unobstructed view from the height of your Being - Sahasrara…

before coming to the water i pass Roger Centre where U2 is playing tonight, i enjoy their music but i had not realized that their concert here is part of a "360" tour, the souvenirs say U2 - 360 - 2011.  on asking i am told that 360 signifies the stage that they will be performing on, its a revolving stage and no matter where one is sitting they can see the performance…as i write this another plane lands…i am also told that 360 is the name of their tour as they are going around the world, and i wonder if i am to travel around the world, will i catch their concert somewhere?  questions? and more questions?, i just watch them arise, if i don't give them any importance they always disappear…

a duck bobs up on the water…seagulls flap their wings, a plane lands…i am home in my heart…360

the clouds part and the sun rays sparkle on the water…a sailboat docks, two planes are taxiing, another lands…i like the warmth of the sun, it balances the breeze…

feeling secure the awareness moves into the Muladhara…the flowing water locks my attention in the Svadisthana…i pause…and feel the energy of the sun in the Manipura…the breeze fills my lungs and expands the awareness into the Anahata…i close my eyes…the Vishudha and the Ajna are in the field of awareness…i savour this delicious feeling, this moment, my eyes closed i withdraw my senses, Pratyhara…


Sunday, July 10, 2011

"some people become old friends…instantly"

as soon as she saw this card, it reminded her of me….what a compliment.

the simplicity, honesty and openness spoke volumes….

another day a friend calls and says: "freedom is the space between the stimulant and the action", and "confusion occurs when there is no space"…later i hear a talk by Echart Tolle…and the clarity of the comment is speaking to me…i am able to be in the pause, in the space, in the freedom…

i continue to see the thought, feel the sensing, and the awareness of the "space" has freed me from the desires and the attachment.  BINGO!!!! the realization happens that the people, ideas and place that i was attached to were and are the "spiritual teachers"…a karma, a lifetime has ended with this freedom...

i am an eagle

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


…can be both simple and complicated.  relating falls in the same category as living, loving, laughing and dancing etc, the common element that is required is to Be with an Ing…

To Be is to shed the should, actually they cannot co-exist peacefully.  when i want to Be, Should disappears, and when Should exists, the natural state to Be disappears.

Ing is my abbreviation for I in God, its the oneness, the awareness of my action in each moment that becomes the Being.